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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Army Babe

So I've been reading up about joining the army.
Yeah, I know, doesn't sound like me!
I've never really considered it before, because of Heidi but now my mums looking after her I can see it as being a potential career goal for me.
After a lot of research, I've narrowed my choices down to three jobs:
  • Student Nurse
  • Military Policewoman
  • Electronic warfare systems operator
I've applied to join today, and they'll contact me within the next ten days.
Now I took the online BARB test and got 79/80, and I passed the English and Maths so hopefully I'll have a chance with this!
I'm only bothered about the physical side of things, So better get my dusty old trainers out of the closet and start running!
Watch this space!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Job Hunt

Carrying on from my last post...
So we got paid our job seekers, and then the next Tuesday we didn't get paid - AGAIN.
Cutting a long story short, they've stopped paying us, and cancelled our claim, so we're back to square one again regarding money.
I went for an interview for an apprenticeship yesterday and i really liked the idea of it, the woman who interviewed me was really nice and seemed to like me too. I went back today for a second interview with the manager and found out that the job is nothing like it was advertised. I applied for administration and the vacancy is for basically telesales!
So I don't want that job..
I got a call today for another interview for administration in a warehouse, the interview is tomorrow at 8:30am
Just as I'm writing this the post came, I got a letter from another job I applied for as a sales assistant and they're processing my application.
So hopefully it seems as though I'll be getting a job soon. Today Sam and I went through the newspaper circling jobs and rang up about them too. We also rang up about a house with no deposit, and they're ringing me back today.

On another note, me and Sam are getting on really well, hardly any arguments and I'm really happy :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I can't believe how much everything has changed in just a few days!
We haven't been paid jobseekers in the past few weeks, so Sam and I have been basically living on no money. It's crap when you can't even afford to buy tea, and it's not like I'm not actively looking for work. In the past few weeks I've applied for Phones 4 U, ASDA, Tesco, Debenhams, Greggs and other small shops but to no avail. I've just been sent an application form though for a shop selling panasonic electrical equipment, so hopefully I'll get an interview.
*Good luck to me!*
So back onto the jobseekers, We haven't been paid because they've checked the records and because we've been made homeless they didn't change our details and they stopped paying. Great isn't it, become homeless and then they won't give you money!
I've seen a flat though for me and Sam, its £65 per week so we'll be able to afford that on benefits. Anyway we'll be paid by this thursday they've said.. and then we get paid again on tuesday! :) I need to get something to wear for interviews, as all my 'smart' clothes are too big or too small.
Thanks for reading, and I'll post a photo of what I buy :)